Summer Camp LESLIE Shaw Summer Camp LESLIE Shaw

Week 6 Camp ECC goes to the Olympics!

Camp ECC raced through week 6 with exciting Olympic-themed crafts and activities!

Camp ECC raced through week 6 with exciting Olympic-themed crafts and activities!

We started the week discussing the sports that are a part of the summer Olympics. The students shared their favorite events they would like to participate in if they were to attend the Olympics.

Campers made gold medals and paper plate laurel wreaths with leaves glued on top. They also made their own torch out of paper hand-prints to carry in the opening ceremonies. Some classes made a Team USA windsock to hang in their rooms at home!

The students also decorated picture frames with red, white and blue stickers and dot markers. They took a picture on an Olympic podium with a USA flag in the background. They wore their medals, held up their torches and wore their laurel wreaths.

We set up obstacle courses to create our own track and field events. We even made our own hurdles with solo cups and paper tubes.

In music class, the kids paraded around the gym to the Olympic theme song. We also danced to the song “Party in the USA.” Our sensory bins were full of red and blue bracelets, stars, and rings that they could wear during the day. We celebrated the end of the week with Red, White and Blue bomb pops!

As camp ECC 2024 ends, we hope the kids had an exciting, positive, experience! We look forward to the 2025 camp! Enrollment is currently open for the 2024/2025 school year. Click here to learn more about fall 2024 enrollment!

Child paints USA themed Olympic Rings

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Leslie Shaw, Communications Leslie Shaw Leslie Shaw, Communications Leslie Shaw

Strengthening Communication with Parent-Teacher Partnerships

We strive to communicate openly and clearly to parents about their children. It could be something like your child being chosen to be the line leader or performing a task independently, we love to share these wins with the parents to help build that trust.

At Red Bridge Early Childhood Center, we know the importance of fostering a relationship between parents and teachers. Having a good relationship helps teachers empathize with the parents and children. It helps teachers understand things that are happening at home that may impact your child’s performance in school.

For example, let’s say there was a rough drop off in the morning. Your child doesn’t sleep well, a parent is out of town, or a grandparent visits. These could impact your child’s routine and their behavior, mood, and more.

There could also be more serious things going on at home impacting your child. Having a relationship built on trust could help inform how the teacher should care for the child; it can also help the teacher share resources and other information that could help the parents through a difficult time.

We strive to communicate openly and clearly to parents about their children. It could be something like your child being chosen to be the line leader or performing a task independently, we love to share these wins with the parents to help build that trust.

Make it stand out

We strive to communicate openly and clearly to parents about their children. It could be something like your child being chosen to be the line leader or performing a task independently, we love to share these wins with the parents to help build that trust. - Leslie Shaw


We love to share things that happen at school that help a parent to gain insight into their child’s day. It could be something small like being chosen to be the line leader or independently unpacking their backpack. It could be one of those moments a teacher notices where your child was a good friend to another child who was having a hard day. Or it could be significant information about your child’s behavior or concerns a teacher may have about your child’s development. Regardless, we know that when teachers and parents work together as a team and share open communication, your child will benefit from this partnership.

 What are some other ways that parents and teachers can build trust with one another? Comment below!


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